sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016


Docente: Mario Alejandro Londoño Diaz    Objetivo: __Review basic knowledge (present-tobe-adjectives) so that learners have the basis to perform diferent kinds of English task.       N° de Plan : __8__

Fecha: _March the 07-March11_ Área: _English_ Grado: _901-902-903-904_

Estándar / Desempeño

Descripción de la Actividad y Metodología



Evaluación (Insturmento- Metodología)

*Produzco textos sencillos con diferentes funciones (describir, narrar, argumentar) sobre temas personales y relacionados con otras asignaturas.
*Utilizo mi conocimiento general del mundo para comprender lo que escucho.
* Expreso mi opinión sobre asuntos de interés general para mí y mis compañeros.
* Expreso mi opinión sobre asuntos de interés general para mí y mis compañeros.
*Uso lenguaje formal o informal en juegos de rol improvisados, según el contexto.

*Daily activities: Greetings and call the row.
*Writing/speaking/reading: The facilitator reviews to be(present), and adjectives by using colored flashcards, pronouncing  and presenting simple present sentences using adjectives to describe other people; the learners review the adjectives by writing sentences in present describing a classmate, then they read their description to a partner who  
*Listening/writing/speaking: Learners work on the English lab; The vocabulary is presented through a PowerPoint presentation alongside with grammatical structures presented in class, the learners watch a series of videos related with movie trailers, learners give their opinions by answering questions in past and filling gaps.
*Reading/writing/listening: learners work on the plus room for this session. The pupils will develop a didactic sequence in which they will give their opinions  on movies based on a series of trailers, they complete fill the caps exercise, give oral opinions, and answer questions.
*Speaking/listening/ writing: learners  perform speaking activity in which they are asked to make oral questions to a classmate about the description of particular people, learners write the answers and present them orally.

8 min


1 session

1 session

Mp3 files



PowerPoint presentations

Active participation
Explaining vocabulary
Active Feedback

Reading aloud

PowerPoint presentation

Observaciones: ___Se realiza repaso de ejes temáticos de grado 7 y 8 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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