sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016


Docente: Mario Alejandro Londoño Díaz    Objetivo: Promote didactic alternatives to work on  simple past and questions  N° de Plan : __8__

Fecha: _March the 07-March the 11_ Área: _English_ Grado: _8-01_

Estándar / Desempeño
Descripción de la Actividad y Metodología



Evaluación (Insturmento- Metodología)

*Diligencio efectivamente formatos con información personal.
*Identifico ideas generales y específicas en textos orales, si tengo conocimiento del tema y del vocabulario conocido.
*Identifico iniciación, nudo y desenlace en una narración.
*Narro historias cortas enlazando mis ideas de manera apropiada.
*Converso con mis compañeros y mi profesor sobre experiencias pasadas.
*Daily activities: Greetings and calling the row.
*Listening/writing/speaking: The learners will listen to the song “The animals go in 2 by 2” which contains verbs in past, the pupils perform exercises of filling listening to the song and filling  the gaps, then learners review questions in past by creating questions of the song and making those questions to the classmates
*Listening/writing/speaking: Learners work on the English lab; The vocabulary is presented through a PowerPoint presentation alongside with grammatical structures presented in class, the learners watch a series of videos related with movie trailers, learners give their opinions by using adjectives and to be in past.
*Writing/reading/Listening: Learners work in the plus room for this session, they visit the web page of Educarex, so that they can perform a series of exercises that involve writing ,reading and listening, about a conversation of a kid and her mom. Learners write theirs answers in their notebook.
*Writing/reading/speaking: The facilitator puts a series of affirmative sentences in the walls, pupils work in pairs and together they create past questions that they make each other orally and write down in their notebooks. The teacher guides the exercise and lead learners with needed vocabulary.
8 min
45 min

1 session

1 session

I session

MP3 podcasts

Web pages
PowerPoint presentation

Oral questions
Active pronunciation


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