domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016


Docente: Mario Alejandro Londoño Diaz    Objetivo: __Polish learners capacity to recognize and employ simple past tense      N° de Plan : __7__

Fecha: _February  the 29 -March the 04_ Área: _English_ Grado: _901-902-903-904_

Estándar / Desempeño

Descripción de la Actividad y Metodología



Evaluación (Insturmento- Metodología)

*Produzco textos sencillos con diferentes funciones (describir, narrar, argumentar) sobre temas personales y relacionados con otras asignaturas.
*Utilizo mi conocimiento general del mundo para comprender lo que escucho.
* Expreso mi opinión sobre asuntos de interés general para mí y mis compañeros.
* Expreso mi opinión sobre asuntos de interés general para mí y mis compañeros.
*Uso lenguaje formal o informal en juegos de rol improvisados, según el contexto.

*Daily activities: Greetings and call the row.
*Reading/Writing/speaking: Learners review past tenses seen during week II by playing “gone in 30 seconds past question edition” where learners use a dice and a coin to develop board game in which they solve past questions, as they go ahead or return to squares.
*Listening/writing: The learners will analyze the song “The animals went in Two by Two” Learners will fulfill the gaps considering simple past and animal vocabulary, also learners will create  short sentences based on the past verbs extracted from the song.
*Writing Reading: Learners will write the text “Cinderella” where they extract  simple past verbs and create new sentences based on verbs in past found in the reading.
*Writing/Reading/Listening: Learners will develop this session on the Plus Room; Pupils shall develop a workshop where they solve online exercises with music, and images, also they make a short presentation with the images; where they use internet images to illustrate sentences in past.
*Listening/Reading/Speaking: Learners will finish the didactic sequence started in previous session on the English lab Working on the video  “The grates treasure” they participate solving questions about the video (past questions yes/no), fill gaps and conjugate verbs from past into present.

8 min


1 session

1 session

Printed Board game.

Powerpoint presentations

Use of technological resources (Videobeam, podcasts, Videos)

Active participation
Explaining vocabulary
Active Feedback

Reading aloud

PowerPoint presentation

Observaciones: ____ ___Los estudiantes de 9-03 no iran al laboratorio y al contrario realizaran ejercicio escrito en el salón debido a mal comportamiento en el laboratorio de ingles____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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