Docente: Mario Alejandro Londoño Díaz Objetivo:
_Enable pupils to talk about, listen and write down regular
and irregular affirmative simple past sentences relating past
activities. N° de Plan : __4__
Fecha: _February the 08-12_ Área: _English_ Grado: _8-01_
/ Desempeño
Descripción de la Actividad y Metodología
efectivamente formatos con información personal.
*Identifico ideas generales y
específicas en textos orales, si tengo conocimiento del tema y del
vocabulario conocido.
*Identifico iniciación, nudo y
desenlace en una narración.
*Narro historias cortas enlazando
mis ideas de manera apropiada.
*Daily activities: Greetings and calling
the row.
Speaking/Listening/writing: The
class is separated in groups of 4, every group receives a set of cards, about
an specific event, for example “a wedding you attended”, they choose randomly
the cards every group is going to use, they take turns to speak, the teacher
then cheeks the performance of every group
Reading/writing/speaking/Listening: Past
tenses are presented throughout a reading speaking activity. The pupils
divide in subgroups of 4, then they receive two sets of cards one containing
verbs, and the other containing time
expressions, the students make simple pas sentences orally their
classmates listen and write down the sentence, they repeat until they run out
of verbs.
Listening/Reading/writing: A
reading sequence is made by creating pairs that with the teacher guidance
will work on a reading about weekend activities. The teacher uses flashcards
to illustrate the reading; the learners answer questions about the reading,
and point weekend activities from the previous session.
Writing/Reading: The
fascilitator gives a series of questions in past to the students, who create
a short story with the answers as a basis under the title a “Holiday
romance”, they then write down the story on a piece of paper and give it to
another group who solves the question.
1 session
1 session
1 session
1 session
Reading eliciting vocabulary
Questions examples