miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016


THE SUPERNATURAL Questions in past 

Activity 1
Listen to the songs and complete with the verbs in past

"Monster Mash by Bobby Boris Pickett"


I ____ working in the lab, late one night
When my eyes _____ an eerie sight
For my monster from his slab, ___ to rise
And suddenly to my surprise

He ____ the mash, he did the monster mash
The monster mash, it ____ a graveyard smash
He ___ the mash, it _____ on in a flash
He ____ the mash, he ____ the monster mash

From my laboratory in the castle east
To the master bedroom where the vampires feast
The ghouls all ____ from their humble abodes
To get a jolt from my electrodes

They _____ the mash, they did the monster mash
The monster mash, it ____ a graveyard smash
They _____ the mash, it _____ on in a flash
They ____ the mash, they ____ the monster mash

The zombies _____ having fun
The party had just _____
The guests_____ Wolfman,
Dracula, and his son

*Beheld   *Did     *Begun
*Began    *Came  *Included
*Was       *Were 
*Caught   *Had

Activity 2
Copy this Creppy story and answer to the quesions

Creepy Stories: “THE HANDS”.  

Several years ago i went to stay with some friends who lived in an old house in the country. I had not told them I was coming, and when I arrived, they already had other visitors. “Never mind” Said my friend Ella, “You can sleep in the small guest room”. ”We don’t often use it, but you will be alright for one night”. As we said goodnight Ella added “Oh and before you go to sleep lock the door, otherwise it may open itself”. When  I locked the door  lay on my bed, and went to sleep during the night, I slept badly ; I didn’t  know if I was asleep or awake, but suddenly I knew I was  awake. Hands we touching my face. I tried to push them away, but there was nothing. I found the light switch, and put on the light. There was no one in the room.” It was just a dream”, I though, and  I went back to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I got another surprise. The door which I had shut and locked was open¡. During breakfast, I told Ella about my estrange dream and the open door. “You too!!” she replied; that’s is why we don’t use that room, It’s the Blind lady!”. What is the blind lady I asked. “Well, years ago the people who lived here had a daughter that was blind”. ”That was her bedroom. She died when she was 30, and since the she kept coming to her bedroom. “She always feels the sheets before getting into bed” “Several visitors have had the same experience. But she was a lovely girl, she has never hurt anyone” I felt the skin of the back of my neck so cold, since then I have always believed in ghosts.

*Extract all the verbs in past tense.
EX: Went 

*Create 5 questions in past
EX: Where did he go?

Activity 3

Watch the videos and answer the questions.

a)What did Speed Wagon think about Dio Brando?

b)Who Killed Jojo's Father?

c)What did Dio Use to become a Vampire?

a)Which was the problem with the house?

b)Who abduced the Simpson Family?

c)What animal was present in the last story?


Copy the text and extract all the verbs in past and create past sentences. 

CREEPY STORIES: Yeeeeee? When I was a child my family moved to a big old two-floor house, with big empty rooms and creaking floorboards. Both my parents worked so I was often alone when I came home from school. One early evening when I came home the house was still dark.
I called out, “Mum?” and heard her sing song voice say “Yeeeeees?” from upstairs. I called her again as I climbed the stairs to see which room she was in, and again got the same “Yeeeeees?” reply. We were decorating at the time, and I didn’t know my way around the maze of rooms but she was in one of the far ones, right down the hall. I felt uneasy, but I figured that was only natural so I rushed forward to see my mum, knowing that her presence would calm my fears, as a mother’s presence always does.
Just as I reached for the handle of the door to let myself in to the room I heard the front door downstairs open and my mother call “Sweetie, are you home?” in a cheery voice. I jumped back, startled and ran down the stairs to her, but as I glanced back from the top of the stairs, the door to the room slowly opened a crack. For a brief moment, I saw something strange in there, and I don’t know what it was, but it was staring at me.

1- Study verbs in past through this ACTIVITY.


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