lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016


Questions in past


Listen HERE the podcast and complete:

A: "Damn Scott. You ____ big."
B: "Yeah, I've _____ working out a lot."
A: "How long have you been _______ weights?"
B: "For a year and a ______."
A: "Yeah. Last time I _____ you, it was like 2 years ago."
B: "Has it been that long?"
A: "How often do you _____ to the gym?"
B: "I usually go every other day for about 3 hours."
A: "That's a lot."
B: "Yeah, I _____ to work out for an hour a day 4 times a week, and I ____ no results. This is what you have to do to get noticeable results."
A: "I don't think I have the __________ for that."
B: "Just _______ of it as a hobby. Then it's actually fun."

saw - half - been - got - lifting - go - used -
saw -  discipline - think

 1.  How would you describe Scott?
Very tall and skinny
Slender with broad shoulders
Big and muscular
Short and fat

2.  How long has it been since these two last saw each other?
6 months ago
10 months ago
A year and a half ago
Two years ago

3.  How often does Scott go to the gym?
Once a month
Every day for an hour
Every other day for 3 hours

4.  Why does Scott work out so much?
To get noticeable results
Because he will be bored
To enter a competition
To train for a marathon


Creepy Stories: “THE HANDS”. 
 Several years ago i went to stay with some friends who lived in an old house in the country. I had not told them I was coming, and when I arrived, they already had other visitors. “Never mind” Said my friend Ella, “You can sleep in the small guest room”. ”We don’t often use it, but you will be alright for one night”. As we said goodnight Ella added “Oh and before you go to sleep lock the door, otherwise it may open itself”. When  I locked the door  lay on my bed, and went to sleep during the night, I slept badly ; I didn’t  know if I was asleep or awake, but suddenly I knew I was  awake. Hands we touching my face. I tried to push them away, but there was nothing. I found the light switch, and put on the light. There was no one in the room.” It was just a dream”, I though, and  I went back to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I got another surprise. The door which I had shut and locked was open¡. During breakfast, I told Ella about my estrange dream and the open door. “You too!!” she replied; that’s is why we don’t use that room, It’s the Blind lady!”. What is the blind lady I asked. “Well, years ago the people who lived here had a daughter that was blind”. ”That was her bedroom. She died when she was 30, and since the she kept coming to her bedroom. “She always feels the sheets before getting into bed” “Several visitors have had the same experience. But she was a lovely girl, she has never hurt anyone” I felt the skin of the back of my neck so cold, since then I have always believed in ghosts.
a)Extract all the verbs in past
b)Transform all the highlighted information into Past questions.
c) Answer to the questions.


Los estudiantes deben de comenzar dia 28 de septiembre , presentacion oral en la que se crearan ejercicios o actividades de los temas de clase.Se les dio los criterios y procedimientod durante la ultima clase del periodo 3.Esta actividad cuenta como el 40% de su nota definitiva, evaluando el aspecto SABER.


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