domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016


Docente: Mario Alejandro Londoño Díaz    Objetivo: _Propel Learners capacity to give opinions,  use vocabulary and write dates related with Musical Instruments and types of music     N° de Plan : __5__

Fecha: _February  the 15-19_ Área: _English_ Grado: _901-902-903-904_

Estándar / Desempeño

Descripción de la Actividad y Metodología



Evaluación (Insturmento- Metodología)

*Produzco textos sencillos con diferentes funciones (describir, narrar, argumentar) sobre temas personales y relacionados con otras asignaturas.
*Utilizo mi conocimiento general del mundo para comprender lo que escucho.
* Expreso mi opinión sobre asuntos de interés general para mí y mis compañeros.

*Daily activities: Greetings and call the row.
Warm up: The facilitator shows a series of flashcards related to musical instruments (12); learners make draws  write down the name, and a sentence containing and adjective describing the instrument; the facilitator gives vocabulary and structures.
*Listening/Writing: Learners listen to a mp3 instrumental file containing different types of music, learners complete sentences resolving around brief descriptions of the instruments required for the different types of music;” the classic music involves; piano and violin, I don’t like classic music, but I like rock.
*Writing/speaking/reading: Learners review months  of the year, and dates in  this exercise; learners receive coded dates related to the creation of certain musical instrument; learners turn the code “01/01 1988” into a written date “January the first” and a short sentence “ the violin was invented in”, after learners complete the first activity.
Reading/writing: In groups learners review past tenses by creating the biography of a fictional musician; his past experiences. The instruments he played and the type of music . learners give this task in a piece of paper by the end of the class.

8 min


1 session


Use of dictionary

Simple past questions worksheet.

Active participation
Explaining vocabulary
Active Feedback

Reading aloud

Small quiz
Questions of the readings

Observaciones: ____En la sesión anterior se le hizo saber a los educandos que el diccionario se convertiría en una aspecto calificable _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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