domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016


Docente: Mario Alejandro Londoño Díaz    Objetivo: Empower learners to give descriptions in past  about Ancient civilizations _ N° de Plan : __5__

Fecha: _February  the 15-19_ Área: _English_ Grado: _8-01_

Estándar / Desempeño

Descripción de la Actividad y Metodología



Evaluación (Insturmento- Metodología)

*Diligencio efectivamente formatos con información personal.
*Identifico ideas generales y específicas en textos orales, si tengo conocimiento del tema y del vocabulario conocido.
*Identifico iniciación, nudo y desenlace en una narración.
*Narro historias cortas enlazando mis ideas de manera apropiada.
*Converso con mis compañeros y mi profesor sobre experiencias pasadas.
*Daily activities: Greetings and calling the row.
Warm up: the facilitator shows a series of flashcards about ancient civilizations; present vocabulary, and asks the learners to create simple past sentences related to them
Reading/writing: The learners are separated in to groups of four; every group receives a piece of information, related to an ancient civilization, learners write down the information and answer a series of questions in past.
Listening/speaking/writing: Once learners have answered the questions, one pupil of every team stands up and makes questions to one team about their corresponding ancient civilization,  then he presents the answer to his team orally,  which writes down the answer, they repeat until they answer the question of every civilization (Four civilizations)
Speaking/Listening: In the groups they previously formed -learners prepare  a short 6 minutes presentation about ancient civilizations using cardboard, markers and vocabulary.
-Learners make a presentation about ancient civilizations, they present the place I was located, the religion it had, and the currency they used.

10 min

1 sessions

1 session

 1 session
50 minutes

Flashcards, short readings



Concrete Questions

Oral presentations/aspects of respect and presentation.

Observaciones: ___El docente y los estudiantes acordaran como  realizar la presentación oral. Se reporta un mal desempeño del grupo en el cumplimiento de sus deberes académicos .
Para la exposición también serán evaluados aspectos tales como  respeto_______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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